The rooted woman

9 mooncycle online container

It’s time to remember your innate wisdom, awaken the mysteries that lay into the depths of your cells for what it truly means to be a Woman. Remember how to take care of your feminine body, to be in rooted sisterhood and to remember your own medicine, by holding yourself in all that you are.

for the woman who….

  • Is ready to commit herself to her sovereign life path as a woman

  • Wants to get to know and feel her feminine nature

  • Reclaims back her body, her boundaries, her voice

  • Feels the spark in her heart to open up and grow in sisterhood

Wants to be part of a community of women who all carry and contribute their own medicine, -because together we grow.


  • By doing the inner work and committing to grow a strong fundament of self love

  • By knowing your body, your needs and your boundaries.

  • Because self love is the seed of the tree which grows into a woman that can hold herself in healthy ways and knows her own sovereignty

  • To understand how our body operates and how to support ourselves.

  • To remember the imprint that all women are here to inspire and support each other & to grow even standing next to one another.

Who is The Rooted Woman

The Rooted woman is connected to the earth, to spirit, the elements and all beings around her but foremost to herself.

She knows who she is, her boundaries, her triggers, emotions and her gifts.

She commits to herself and prioritizes selfcare.

She trusts her path in life as she feels, transforms and evolves.

She doesn’t change for anyone, she’s rooted within, to the core of her essence.

Among other things

You will learn about

  • Hands on techniques for massaging your feminine body-parts

  • The Anatomy of the feminine body

  • How Trauma stores itself in the Body & how to release it

  • The menstrual cycle and her inner seasons

  • The Ovaries

  • Softening the Strong Independent Woman

  • The Pelvis & the Throat and Jaw connection

  • Wisdom on Motherhood

  • Vulnerability

  • Rituals

  • Ovaries

  • Sisterhood & Holding Space

Do you desire to…

Listen to your inner voice?

  • Get inspired to prioritize your selfcare & love

  • Understand more about your feminine body

  • Get in touch with your body’s needs

  • Welcoming in life as it comes to you

  • Be part of a group of women walking the same path

What women say that have walked this journey

  • The Rooted woman is a deep dive into your own feminine energy and body. It’s a remembering of your strength, it’s a true homecoming in a group of women where everything can be shared, in full vulnerability, it’s an experience of a lifetime in which you will be guided into deep transformation and out of your comfort zone all with one intention: for you to feel more safe, more expansive and more YOU. It was a beautiful ride and I would highly recommend it to every woman.

  • The Rooted woman is a deep dive into your own feminine energy and body. It’s a remembering of your strength, it’s a true homecoming in a group of women where everything can be shared, in full vulnerability, it’s an experience of a lifetime in which you will be guided into deep transformation and out of your comfort zone all with one intention: for you to feel more safe, more expansive and more YOU. It was a beautiful ride and I would highly recommend it to every woman.

  • My experience was in a lot of ways eye opening, received much new wisdom. Remembering how a group of woman can be powerful and healing. Even tough we are all walking our own path, there was this moment in the week when we where all connected. That form of continuity felt caring. It created a safe container from where I could make steps in making a commitment to (and showing up for) myself and the group every week again. Just by this proces of getting attached to has learned me about myself. I feel grateful for being a part of this first group of Rooted Women

  • During the Rooted Woman course I have experienced so many beautiful moments. It started with writing a commitment letter to myself, and that itself was already so special. I was able to see some parts of myself that I often keep hidden or do not take the time for. The variety of sessions brought me even closer to myself, with rituals that I have never done before and were so healing. Bo is an inspiring woman, who is gentle, powerful and funny at the same time. She really was able to let us open up to ourselves and each other. You are something special.

  • The "Rooted Woman" course has been a nourishing journey that has re-ignited my dedication to self-love, feminine strength/beauty and stepping stones to inner healing. Through Bo’s guidance and dedication, which she helped me to fully step in and surrerder to the journey, she will be there for you every step of the way, I have not only been inspired and learned so much, but also got to enter the field of support from other fellow Rooted Women. This course has supported me dearly in being a more authentic version of myself, and for this I am so grateful.

  • The importance of women supporting women is really clarified during the Rooted Woman at so many levels… New imprints for our breasts, hearts, souls, wombs, our souls… So deeply nourishing ans loving towards ourselves and eachother. This journey deeply touched me and I am grateful you initiated this and brought us together. Keep on doing what you are doing.

How we will navigate this together

The Rooted Woman is my signature program and is a 9-mooncycle journey .It doesn’t really feel like a ‘program’, I would rather call it an inner journey to study your own center. So you may understand, remember, feel, heal and transform yourself to take in the space and land into woman you are. This journey is meant for the woman that is ready to give full commitment to herself and her own unique path in life.

As we are all equal - there is no teacher nor student- we will be journeying together in landscapes that are inviting you to go deep within, and heal yourself by shining the light on your shadows without the need of wanting them to go away. By doing this feminine inner work, we create balance and contribute our medicine to the world as a strong community of women arises. Embedded in their own wisdom and sovereignty, supporting and holding each other towards the path of the embodiment of LIFE.

The pillars of this journey

  • Pillar 1 / The intention

    We will start this Journey on September 5th.

    We will open The Rooted Woman with an Opening Ceremony.

    In this first pillar we will sink into our intention, we invoke clarity, make our roots visible.

    What is it why you are here?

    Together we will navigate our ancestry, our deep roots; physically, emotionally, spiritually and energetically.

    We bring focus and stillness trough ritual and expression.

  • pillar 2 / the heart & breasts

    The heart is the place of all existence, it is the place of pure love and the place in our body that is connected to everything within.

    In ths second pilar we work with our heart, our inner child, emotions as our teachers and the root of the root of our deepest fear. We will gently uncover the heart of her strong harness,

    And sink into vulnerability.

    Our heart is deeply connected to our Breasts, Yoni, Cervix and Womb.

    And we will work with the extension of our heart; our sacred breasts. Another part of our femininity that mostly have been there for the external world. We explore our relationship with them as I will take you on a journey into the realms of your breasts. You will learn and practice breast massage.

  • pillar 3 / The nervoussystem, sexuality & the Menstrual Cycle

    The Vagus Nerve moves from our brain down through our throat, heart and all the way into the womb and cervix. We learn about the Polyvagal Theory and the impact of experiences in our body and nervoussystem.You will receive practices, breathwork and ritual to regulate the Vagal Nerve that goes hand in hand with our Sacred Sexuality:

    All our sexual experiences are stored into our body; in our fascia and our nervous system. We will go on a journey within our past, what wants to be seen, felt, heared and healed to build a healthy intimate relationship with ourselves.

    The true wisdom of being a woman lays in her menstrual cycle. We brake all the taboos and dive into to getting to know our own inner rhythms and to live from that place. We will learn about menstrual embodiment in business too.

  • pillar 4 / the pelvis

    While sinking lower into the body, We will explore the place of our belly and our pelvis. We meet our inner waters that hold the memories that are ready to be released.

    I will take you on a journey of releasing tension within the Pelvic area, from the anatomy, to the cellular memory, to hands on releasing the muscles inside our vagina.

    Our bodies are like the earth, not only the waters of the earth are polluted, also our own waters need to be taken care of. We are bringing awareness into this most forgotten yet very important body part.

  • pillar 5/ Cervix & Womb

    Following the flow in feminine sequence; 

    from the Heart to the Breasts, to the Pelvis, to the Yoni,

    Entering into this pillar; the Cervix and the Womb.

    We explore the Cervix, the gatekeeper of the most sacred place on earth. The place where we are all coming from. Being born through the gate of the mystery of life. Our cervix, the portal to true intimacy.

    We will dedicate this pillar to work with the place that stores all of our memory, one of the most protected areas of our body. And restore and re awaken the deep connection that has always been there. Our sacred Womb.

  • pillar 6/ pleasure & life as medicine

    When we have given new imprints of safety and awareness into our bodies and when we know how to take care for her in a non sexual way, we open this pillar to go deeper in (self) pleasure. A forgotten art as our feminine bodies are a treasure trove of orgasmic possibilities.

    In this last pillar we will make space for reflection and integration as life is our medicine.

A deeper explanation…

Each pillar is a portal to be explored and has been created as a sacred sequence to study your inner landscapes. So you may understand, remember, feel and transform yourself to sink into your feminine nature.

As The Rooted Woman touches deep roots within, making them healthier and stronger, I invite you to step into this sacred container and journey with us women, to dive into the deep layers of yourself. 

This is a commitment to take care of yourself, to love yourself in all that you are. You are the Master Creator of your own life, and that starts within. 

With the exercises I invite you to integrate the process into your week, sometimes they are practical, sometimes to just bring certain topics into your awareness and work with your (inner) altar.

As each week is built upon each other, it is very powerful to go through the same portal together as we will also open up a group to share and support our experiences. I believe that women in togetherness express pure magic.  

And that is why this journey is a part of the bigger vision; to create a strong community of women that know themselves and contribute their medicine to the world.

  • Within this 9 mooncycle journey you are in gestation to birth yourself anew.

    As The Rooted Woman

Whats included

9 Mooncycle Journey starting September 5th

  • 2 Live days

  • 18 LIVE online meetings (approx. 1,5 hours)

  • Embodiment practices

  • You will have access to the replays until 1 year after the journey.

  • You will be part of The Rooted Women community in a private telegram group.


Dates of the Live online Meetings:
Always at 8pm (CET)

(christmas in between)

23/01/2025 & 25/05/2025




€98,- per month
(9 months)

The rooted woman is for the woman who:

  • Is ready to own her shit, embrace her greatness, show and share her vulnerability, wants to care for herself and be cared for. The woman who is open to change and dares to follow the pathways back to herself, back to the light and darkness at the same time. Who is able to carry herself. Feels connected to nature or wants to be.

  • That wants to feel the depth of her feminity, a conscious woman, who feels all the feels and who is already to fully embody herself

  • For every woman, it doesn’t matter in which phase of your life you are or if you are a mother or no mother. For me it was about the calling to dive deeper into myself while being in a group.

  • Feels a sparkle to be the most authentic and connected, noursished most balanced version of herself, and has the ambition to walk her life in her fullest most desired potential. Who desires to walk with her waves of the inner tides. However small or large this ambition may be, all is welcome and good in the love of the femininity.


  • You will receive the recording of the session the same day so you can watch it in your own time. You could even selfpace the course.

  • Yes! We touch upon deep roots to make them healthier and stronger. This program will work complimentary with your processes and inner work you have done already.

  • The Rooted Woman is a program that is created from my own experiences (and that what I have seen with all the women I’ve worked with) as I’m a mother for 7 years now. So… yes! Super welcome for mothers. Also you will benefit from the recordings If you don’t have the time to attend the live calls.

  • Yes! We peel and address many layers of the Self and thus the feminine and every woman will do this in her own unique way. Much experience or not.

  • For sure, as we believe that our outer world is a reflection of our inner world, this course will only bring you more work and healing and your path.