Landscape of relating
a 4 month journey into relationships and all that she holds

Desires to deepen her relationships
Recognizes herself in parts of the Strong Independent Woman and feels ready to let go of control
Is open to deepen her intimacy, in a non-sexual & sexual way.
Is ready to step out of the victim role, into her vulnerability
Is curious how to mature into her emotions
Feels the courageousness in her heart to connect to true intimacy on a deeper level
Wants to step into the feminine within her relationship
These sessions are for the woman who
When was the last time when you were soft?
What we will cover
Masculine & feminine dynamics
How keep you heart open when your mechanism is to close
Father & motherwound
The strong independent woman
How to soften
Abandonment wound
Princess & queen archetypes
Intimacy in family life
Matured relating
“I never let him carry me, he’s not really used to take care of me, because since the beginning of our relationship I’ve always taken care of myself. It’s me who always gives to others. But actually, secretly, I love to receive. It makes me feel seen, loved, something that I longed for as a child.
And then if I didn’t receive that what I need.. Because he didn’t see me; I closed my heart again, put my walls up, because that triggered me into that girl that didn’t feel seen and loved. It became a loop, how do I get out of here?”
Where & When
4 Online live sessions: every first Wednesday of the month:
- Wednesday 2nd of April 8pm (cet)
- Wednesday 7th of May 8pm (cet)
- Wednesday 4th of June 8pm (cet)
- Wednesday 2nd of July 8pm (cet)Recordings are available
With extra Q&A’S
earlybird price
Pay in once.
This price will go up on the 19th of March
Per month
Pay in 4 months
In this container I offer 1:1 sessions for €70,- instead of €85,- so I we can work a layer deeper on the topics that are presenting itself into the landscape of your relating.