Embodied feminine care

Pelvic centered bodywork

This type of bodywork is for the woman who seeks for a deeper connection to herself, she who wants to connect to her pelvis, her femininity, her vulva, vagina, womb and cervix. She desires to feel in her deeper layers, her inner waters. This type of bodywork is for the woman who is ready to take ownership over her body and life and wants to embody the essence of who she truly is. This type of intimate pelvic bodywork is experienced as heart-opening, deep healing and transforming. In the session we make space for everything that wants to arise, as deep traumas and conditionings are rooted in our pelvic area, we release the tension and emotion that is stored here with love and presence. While creating a safe and warm space for you, we open the portals of your inner landscapes so you may remember your innate wisdom and become your own medicine.

How does it work?

Beforehand we will have an intake conversation through zoom so we can talk about your intention, your background, your body and all that wants to come to the surface. Here I will also explain you somewhat more detail about how the session could look like so the mental layer of you knows what to expect.

When we have the session we will take some time to get to know each others presence and we will drink a tea together. From here we will have a moment for your intention too, as this weaves though and with the session.

Whenever you are ready we will move to the massage table that I have warmly prepared for you. From there I will take you on a gentle guided meditation to connect to your body and from that place all will arise what is needed to bring back into remembrance.

Embodied consent as impoartant pillar

This type of bodywork is measured person to person, and not one session will be the same. As we work externally and internally with the most vulnerable part of the body, the foundation of the session is Embodied consent. How often do we actually become conscious of the fact if we actually want to be touched by someone? Often we have learnt as children we are ‘giving away’ our body when we are being touched. But in order to approach and heal this vulnerable body part we have to slow down, be patient and integrate embodied consent by feeling into a ‘yes’ in our head, our heart and our body. We start by actually Feeling. During the session we will go back to this constantly so you will go back to that center and feel from that place constantly. From here you can feel that You are in control of the touch and that the touch is for you and not for anyone else. By integrating this approach into the session, you will feel safe knowing that you can trust yourself and express this though your vocal cords. This will give a big imprint into your life. From this safety, trust and expression, deep healing can occur.

Some of my experiences with
Pelvic centered bodywork

✻ Women that suffered from menstrual pains for years being completely pain free.

✻ Seeing women with inexplicable pelvic or back pain, that has seen so many specialists —> to being completely pain free.

✻ Many women enjoying their sexuality after not feeling sensual or sexual at all.

✻ Women becoming more sensual as they finally feels the safety within themselves because we have worked with their inner fundamental state of of self love.

✻Women with bladder and uterus prolapses that have seen many specialists —> by bringing balance in to the pelvic bowl, the muscles are able to function again and the exercises actually work.

✻ Women with sexual trauma who found it difficult to be ‘open’ again to future partners and had always had pain during sexual intercourse —> she healed herself and opens her own doors to the landscape of deep intimacy.

✻ Many women who have always been ‘the independent woman’ and always needed to do the things in her life on her own. She was so used to carry herself that she couldn’t relax in a relationship because she created a coping mecanism by doing everything herself and thus she would stay in this ‘safe place’, which made her even more lonely.

She transformed into a woman that healed herself from her inner child abandonment wound. She felt safe and could let herself carry by me, which brought her trust that it is safe to be herself completely, and from here she could face and feel her deepest pain, to be abandoned. She was able to be vulnerable and opened her heart to receive and being loved. This session shifted many things in her life.

Women getting pregnant after trying for many years.

✻ Women finding their inner spark again

Women orgasm naturally after two sessions while she was never able to orgasm without a vibrator.

✻ Reclaiming back the feminine.


Intake: ¢40,-
Single session (about 3 hours) excl. intake: Slidingscale from ¢180,- to ¢260,-

I do love to work with a minimum of 3 sessions or one or more full days. See 1:1 retreats here

✻ Payment in installments is possible, just send me a message.

✻ If this investment is difficult for you, please send me a message.

What women say

  • Suzanne

    "The sessions with Bo brought me so much.. Not only the pain during intercourse has gone away but I feel so much space to create, to stand strong. I feel light and content, calm and joyful. I will continue the path of my womb and my pelvis as this should be preventive care for ourselves. I realised I have never spend this loving and gentle attention to this part of my body and with Bo as gentle guide in this process, I am forever grateful to have had these sessions with her and I can recommend it to every woman"

  • Nienke

    "Bo is a very loving woman and I am grateful for the experience I have got from thesessions. I never knew my pelvic bowl could be this relaxed! This has a great influence on my self esteem and intimacy. Bo creates a safe and sacred space and tunes in what is needed in that moment. She also inspires to lovingly touch yourself and to keep your heart open outside of the sessions. Besides the bodywork I've had amazing coachtalks with Bo which helped me to stay in my centre and to integrate the sessions in my daily life. The last session I brought my partner which I could recommend to all couples. It Is deepening and brings connection"

  • Marion

    "I feel myself for the first time since a long time. The connection with my womb, my heart and my vagina has rooted deep inside of me. Thank you with all my heart"

  • Carina Raisman - yogatherapist

    Bo's presence is the essence of the healing. Strong, soft, skilled and sensitive, she guides with deep listening and grounded attention, leaving space & time for the body and the being to present what need to be addressed, heard, said, released and resolved. Months later, I still feel the unfolding effect, and look forward to my next session already.